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Why you need to check out the Live LIGHT Pathway TODAY

The Live LIGHT Pathway helps you move from busyness to blessings, from frustration to fulfillment and from miracles done TO you to miracles done THROUGH you. This link - has the best price you'll ever see for this course and community

Watch Why you need to check out the Live LIGHT Pathway during Black Friday!

Welcome to the Live LIGHT Pathway! It is so great to have you considering to join us.

You were created to walk with God in the garden in the cool of the day. Sin came into the world and you bore the consequences. Jesus came and reversed the curse and took your place and invited you to take His yoke that is easy and burden that is light. You are a child of God creation longs to be revealed. You are a living light. Don’t conform but be transformed, so you can have peace and joy at all times and in every situation.

The Problem we all Face

We’ve got a problem having peace and joy at all times and in every situation. In fact, I think we have three main problems.

First, we’ve been taught to be proud of our busyness. But “busy” is to “Christian” is as “unfaithful” is to “spouse”. The first word should never be modified the second. When it does it’s tragic.

Second, we all know we’re not living the life we were created for. We were created to walk with God in the garden in the cool of day. It’s our hope that we’ll experience that in heaven. But forever starts the moment we are transferred from the dominion of darkness into the Kingdom of light. And when we don’t experience that connection, we can’t help but be frustrated. It’s cognitive dissonance at play.

Third, we know we’re here to make a difference in this world. We know we need to let our light shine before people so that they see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven. But some of us don’t even recoginize the miracles done TO us, so how can we ever expect miracles to be done THROUGH us?

Does it really matter to Live LIGHT?

You know you want to move from busyness to blessing, from frustration to fulfillment and from miracles done to you to miracles done through you.

You want to have peace, and joy, and hope.

You want to connect.

You want to matter.

My journey to Live LIGHT

The journey I’ve been on to live LIGHT has been a long and exciting one. Once I did a fast that included cleaning up Gmail accounts of emails I hadn’t looked at for a long time. I found an email from 2005 that I wrote when we were living in New Zealand. The signature I was using at the time read, “Don’t have time to be busy. Be a living light, living light.” I had no idea at the time what Live LIGHT would come to be.

It wasn’t until I wanted to teach my church what God was teaching me about what I was created for that I started talking more about Living LIGHT and discovering what the acronym could mean. I was asking God and researching the Bible and slowly as things percolated and bubbled up inside, this pathway came into view.

What if?

What if there was a way to put yourself in a position to not conform but be transformed so you can have peace and joy and hope at all times and in every situation? Imagine what that would feel like? What would have to change in your present experience?


I wanted to make it easy for you to know how to move from busyness to blessing, from frustration to fulfillment and from miracles done to you to miracles done through you. I call it the Live LIGHT Pathway.

Live LIGHT Pathway

You’ll notice the Pathway is all about G.R.O.W.T.H. - That’s the acronymn for the Live LIGHT Rhythm that you’ll be introduced to a bit later on. Spiritual growth is what inevitably happens as we implement the three keys - gratitude, grace and generosity. I have developed rhythms to help you grow in each and checkpoints and milestones to gauge your growth.

Gauge your growth in gratitude by taking snapshots of your peace

I trust God when I worry about nothing, pray about everything and thank him in all things. The God of all hope fills me with all joy and peace as I trust in him, so that I may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. see Romans 15:13

Gratitude leads to trust, trust leads to peace.

Gauge your growth in grace by taking snapshots of your joy

Grace empowers me to do God’s will in and through my life. To grow in grace, I need to trust him at his word. As I trust in the God of all hope, he fills me with all joy and peace. see Romans 15:13

Grace leads to trust, trust leads to joy.

Gauge your growth in generosity by taking snapshots of your hope

As I am generous with my time and generous with my finances I am trusting God that I will be taken care of in every way and have more than enough to share. The God of all hope fills me with all joy and peace as I trust in him, so that I may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. see Romans 15:13

The Rhythms and the tools to help you do that are included in this book. It’s up to you to put them into practice in the day to day of your everyday.

If you want transformation, not just information you’ll need time to reflect and time to implement. This is what the Pathway offers you over the next 50 weeks.

Transformation happens when we move from order to disorder to reorder. It Holy Spirit’s role to transform us. Transformation happens best in community. You may have a community that will walk with you through this material. That’s awesome!

If you don’t have a community and/or you would like to join our course and community, just because you’ve considered it so far, I have an exclusive special. Save $40 a month by using this link . It would be great to have you join us.

But if you’re like me, and you learn well by reading. This book is what you want. Just don’t fall into the trap of thinking knowledge is all you need. Knowledge puffs up but love builds up. That’s why community is important and why you should consider the special deal at

What’s in the Live LIGHT Pathway?

There are 3 Keys and 9 Steps in the Live LIGHT Pathway.

Key one is Gratitude. Gratitude is a game changer in the day to day of everyday. Our perspective is a huge part of our attitude and gratitude is the lens through which we’re to look at everything in our lives. “In everything give thanks for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18. It starts with a Peace Checkpoint and before we start the second key you’ll be given a milestone to see how you’ve changed as you’ve done the work.

You’ll move from excuses to curiosity as we look at Overcome Objectives… and yes there is a checkpoint and milestone so you can see the direction you’re moving. You’ll move from overwhelm to more peace as we look at the Proper view of Problems. You’ll move from stagnation to life as you Commit to Growth. Finally, you’ll do the Peace Milestone to see how the tools and rhythms have helped you increase in peace. You’ll become a measurable 10% happier over the 28 days if you use the Rhythm of Remembering that I enourage you to us. Using the Gratitude Journal will move the feeling of gratitude from your conscious to the unconscious part of your thinking.

Key two is Grace. Grace is also a game changer we need. We need to experience God’s grace towards us so we can share it with others. Paul wrote - “But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect.” 1 Corinthians 15:10. We grow in grace through the Rhythm of Rest. We need to trust God to have the grace to use that rhythm the way God intended us to. Grace leads to trust and trust leads to joy. Key Two starts with the Joy Checkpoint to get a snapshot of where you’re currently at.

Then we move on to Grasp Grace where you’ll move from rules to revelation. Next, we start the LIGHT part of the journey and begin with Live Loved where you’ll move from striving to abiding. We need grace for love. John wrote: “We love because he first loved us. “1 John 4:19. It’s by His grace we’re loved. It’s by His grace we can love. Then you’ll to Live Intentional and move from the tyranny of the urgent to the rhythm of margin. It’s good we remember we need grace for Intention. Paul continued to write in first Corinthians - “No, I worked harder than all of them—yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me.” 1 Corinthians 15:10 Finally there is the the Joy Milestone that will show you how you’ve gained more join doing the Rhythm of Rest during this whole part of the journey.

Key three Generosity. I’ll encourage you to use the Rhythm of Restoration and make it part of your regular routine. Once again it’s a gamechanger. When you understand the benefits of a generous spirit, you’ll start transforming your everyday world.

In Live Generous you move from coercion to joy. In Live Hopeful you move from wishful thinking to hope that will last. It’s hope that others will be drawn to and hope that will last. Finally, in Live Today you move from miracles done to you to miracles done through you. It generosity of Spirit that shows the way.

That statement - move from miracles done to you to miracles done through you - comes from the children of Israel who wondered in the desert for 40 years. Their feet did not blister and their clothes didn’t wear out. Deuteronomy 8:4. Six days a week they got manna from heaven. When they complained about not having meat, God sent birds for them to pick up. When they needed water it came from a rock. Miracles were done to them.

The moment they were to enter the promise land, things changed. The waters of the overflowing Jordon didn’t stop until their feet first went in the water. The angel told them how to attack Jericho. When Ai was giving them problems they had to go to God and figure out what the problem was. Miracles were done through them.

For much of church history, entering the promise land was a symbol of spiritual maturity. It’s only been in the last century the motif became more like entering heaven. For our purposes, entering the promise land will be an image of spiritual maturity. They went into the land to work. They went into the land to battle. They went into the land to fight for their inheritance. It’s motif is spiritual maturity. For spiritual maturity you need to be active in sharing your faith and quick to obey what Jesus commands. You’ll be resourced to do just that in this section.

This Pathway is not meant to walk alone. You can join us in our public Facebook group Live LIGHT Friends just mention you have a copy of this book when you apply. You’ll also be encouraged to find Soul Friends. Don’t worry, everything you need to know is on it’s way. Remember you can join the course and our community at a great price using this link - Finally if you have questions or concerns you can send an audio, vido or text chat with me at . I’m excited to walk with anyone down this life transforming path.

Jesus called you a living light and told you talk His yoke that is easy and burden that is light. Be a living light, living light.

Thank you for being a Living Light, living LIGHT.

Can I pray for you?

Lord I thank you for the excitement of the start of any journey and especially the excitement at the start of this one. I thank you Holy Spirit that you teach us all things and reveal to us the will of the Father. I pray that transformation will take place and that your light will shine in us. Be with everyone I pray and help us to be you. Amen.


The challenge today is for you to consider joining us on the Live LIGHT Pathway. Don’t let excuses get in the way. You’ll be welcomed in!


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