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Showing posts from September, 2021

3 reasons why Warm Welcome works for any church or business

Warm Welcome is the Bubble, Contact Page, Email Footer and widgets I use on my site to connect with real people in a powerful way. I've had people ask me about my workflow and products I'd recommend, and there are products and people that make my life better . The link I'm sharing with you today is an affiliate link, meaning I'll get paid if you purchase. But this is not part of my budgeting, and I'm not relying on any income, I just enjoy this product and think you'll make use of it. 3 reasons why Warm Welcome works for any church or business Have you seen the Bubble I have on the Negativity Fast Page ? It’s from Warm Welcome . I have an app on my phone and I often get notifications of a video, audio or text message someone has left for me. Responding to them in kind is one of the fun things I get to do. Our church has bought an account and I can’t be happier to have it on that site I run as well. 3 reasons why Warm Welcome works for any church or business (1)

How to Enjoy LIFE More: 3 Secrets to Peace and Happiness

How Do You Enjoy Life? The question is not about how to enjoy life. The question is how to live a life worth living. No one is exempted from struggles. Even Bible heroes like Moses suffered several challenges in his life. For this reason, peace and happiness have become challenging goals that every human being seeks. But it is not easy to find. 3 Ways to Achieve a More Peaceful and Happy Life Achieving a more peaceful and happy life is not an easy achievement. Here are 3 secrets that can help you live a more peaceful and happier life: 1) Pray/meditate We are taught to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17, NKJV). And when in trouble, we must not fear and be anxious. But, pray in every situation and present these prayers and requests to the Almighty (Philippians 4:6, NIV). Praying provides peace of mind. And a peaceful mind leads to a happy life. It’s one of the most powerful forces in the world. Why? Because praying is a gift to mankind to connect with our Maker. Regardless o

Live LIGHT Reflection: I am grateful for today.

Download the Reflection “I am grateful for today” along with other resources at I am grateful for today. I start this day with a smile on my face and a feeling of great anticipation. Every day is a new beginning. I feel completely free of yesterday. There are many wonderful things in my life, and I am grateful for all of them. Life is a gift and I am learning to enjoy every part of it to the fullest. Each day is a new and exciting adventure. Life comes easy to me, and I am excited about my future. I have so many great things on the horizon. I feel blessed by God to have such an exciting future. Sometimes, I can feel a lack of gratitude for my life, but that feeling is over quickly. I remember all the things in my life that make me grateful. I smile and move forward with my day. I am very blessed for all the amazing things I get to experience and emotionally feel. I enjoy my friends and family. I spend my free time in a way that pleases me. And as awesome as my

Live Light Reflection: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living

You can download the reflection “I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living” along with other resources at The Lord is my healer. It is the Lord who gives me strength. He helps me rise up with wings as eagles. He helps me run and not grow weary. He helps me walk and not faint. He gives me everything I need for life and godliness. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, the Lord is with me. He restores my health and heals my wounds. I want to enjoy good health so that all may go well with me, even as my soul is getting along well. So, whatever I eat or drink, I eat and drink for the glory of God. I value the value of physical training while I recognize godliness has value for all things. I am not my own, I have been bought with a price. I belong to God. I honour Him with my body. A joyful heart is good medicine. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I laugh and enjoy those around me. I laugh and I find joy. I laugh at the

2 Things to Always Remember

There are 2 things to always remember in this world of “truth is what I think it is”. Always Remember God's truth. Because of it, we never have to doubt. We can know what is right and what is not. This world is so confused. So many people don’t know where to turn. So many people think this life is simply misery. So many people think that there is no point to this existence. But we know two important things that we need to remember- There is unchanging truth, and therefore an answer to every question. It’s still hard to find answers sometimes, but when we really try, we will find them. We are here to learn. That unchanging truth that I described in number 1, is quite beautiful. To say the least. The truths we know- the gospel, the good news, hold the secret to healing this world and bringing us peace and constant hope. Think about what an amazing message we have!! That we have good reason to have all the hope in the world!! That death is not permanent, that we can overcome Satan,

Introducing the Live LIGHT Happier Course

What if you could feel happier by this time next month? Do you know you can feel AS happy as if your income doubled during that time? 10% is a significant amount to increase your happiness. I can’t tell you how to get rich quicker, I can show you how to get happier sooner. How to be happy The Live LIGHT Happier Course explains the theological reason why scientific research shows us how gratitude helps us be 10% happier in 28 days and feel the same way we would if our income doubled in the same time period. Get the course AND the tools to help you do it autonomically - without thinking - in the next 70 days. Learn more at

Check out the inside of the Live LIGHT Gratitude Journal

Gratitude is a game changer. Engaging it with your decisions, emotions and actions is even more transforming. Click the image for an amazing discount price. The Live LIGHT Gratitude Journal is designed to help you autonomically become happier by choosing to be thankful. It includes: 70 days of morning and evening reflections will prompt you to feel and act with gratitude. Today’s Commitment will help you put your thankfulness and appreciation into action. A checkpoint and milestone will show you how you’ve grown in happiness using this tool. Use this tool to help live happier and grow in gratitude - you and every one in your every day world will be glad you did. There are currently two ways to get this edition . It's available for download in the Live LIGHT Happier Course that's for sale for $37. It includes the Live LIGHT Gratitude Journal as part of course. The course explains why gratitude works to make us happier. Get the Live LIGHT

4 Ways to Live a Happy Life

We all want to live happy, but have you though about how can we have happiness? If you are religious, then you know we receive happiness through God. But how exactly do we achieve that? The scriptures give clear answers to this question. However, there are several attributes we must understand and develop. Be Happy Understanding of God's Plan John 16:33 "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." Jesus Christ has overcome everything for us. When we understand that, through Him, we can overcome anything and everything, a wonderful peace settles in our hearts. We will be capable of ignoring the trivial things of the world because we know He has prepared a way for everything to be made right. It creates a feeling of security that cannot be faltered by any worldly struggle. Be Happy in Obedience John 13:17 "If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do the