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Showing posts from June, 2023

How to understand and enjoy the Gifts God has for you Today

As Christians, we have all been blessed with an abundance of spiritual gifts from Holy Spirit, Christ and Our Father. These gifts are meant to serve each other and empower us in our day-today of everyday. Learn more in the message: How to Understand and Enjoy the Gifts of the Spirit, the Gifts Christ gave the Church and the Gifts God has given us Today Listen to Gifts God has for you Today Listen to more Podcasts and sign up Watch Gifts God has for you Today Watch more and subscribe at Read Gifts God Has for you Today I’m going to sharing with you something I’ve been contemplating and researching for quite some time. I don’t think I’ve ever heard it taught and that excites me, because it may be new revelation. It troubles me because I was taught “The church has a word for new doctrine - that word is HERESY!” I don’t think what I’m about to say is heresy. I also don’t know if there is transformational value in understanding this the w

How to let the fruit of Holy Spirit TRANSFORM You

The Fruit of the Holy Spirit outlines nine attributes that should be evident in the life of a true believer. These attributes include love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. While it is easy to read about these characteristics and know what they mean intellectually, transforming them into part of our daily lives can be challenging. However, by understanding how to yield to the Holy Spirit and allowing Him to work within us, we can experience a transformation that brings us closer to God and makes us more like Jesus Christ. Learn more in the message How to Let the fruit of Holy Spirit Transform You Listen to How to let the fruit of Holy Spirit TRANSFORM You Listen to more and subscribe at Watch to How to let the fruit of Holy Spirit TRANSFORM You Watch more and subscribe at Read How to let the fruit of Holy Spirit TRANSFORM You So today we’re going to explore how to be transformed by the