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Showing posts from February, 2023

How to speak the truth in love

One of the most important lessons found in the Bible is to speak the truth in love. This practice is essential for spiritual growth and developing a closer connection with Jesus Christ. It can be difficult to remain honest while still being kind, so it’s important to understand why this practice matters and how to apply it in our everyday lives. Learn more in the Message Speak the Truth in Love. Listen to how to speak the truth in love Listen to more podcasts and subscribe at Watch how to speak the truth in love Like and subscribe on TL/DW/DL Read how to speak the truth in love Ephesians 4:15-30 Holman Christian Standard Bible But speaking the truth in love, let us grow in every way into Him who is the head—Christ . From Him the whole body, fitted and knit together by every supporting ligament, promotes the growth of the body for building up itself in love by the proper working of each individual part. Therefore, I say this and te

How to Accept One Another

Accept One Another. The Bible is a powerful source that provides us with guidelines and principles to live by. It encourages us to show acceptance, kindness and love to one another. Acceptance of others can be difficult and challenging, but it is essential in living out a life that glorifies God. Learn how to Accept One Another in this message. Listen to How to Accept One Another Listen to more and subscribe to the podcast at Watch How to Accept One Another Like and Subscribe on YouTube Get the notes for it in the downloads at 👇 #books #courses #resources #community #coaching #livelight Read How to Accept One Another Accept One Another Read Romans 14:1 - 15:13 NLT Story about how to accept one another In my first church we had something incredible happen time and time again. People who thought they knew the church told me it was stuck up and snobby and too old. But I knew it better. What consistentl