How to not go blind as the blind start to see - Many people who think they are spiritually minded often miss out on the miracles God is working in and around their lives. It can be easy to think God is going to what what He is going to do the way you expect Him to do it. How do you stop being so religiously minded that you can be some earthly good? Learn exactly how with the message - How to not go blind as the blind start to see Listen to How to not go blind as the blind start to see Listen to more episodes and subscribe to the podcast Watch How to not go blind as the blind start to see Read the notes for How to not go blind as the blind start to see What tends to happen in every move of God is that the ones effected the most in the last move, or another move are the ones who get offended with the new move. The denomination’s with the least difference tend to have the biggest fight. I went to the Alliance Seminary in Regina for a couple weeks of spring class...