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Showing posts from October, 2021

Live LIGHT Loop for Friday October 29, 2021

Celebrating all things Live LIGHT! TL/DW 1. Don’t Miss… Enter to win a first-run coil bound Live LIGHT Journal - get more chances to win today Sign up for the free 5-day Gratitude Challenge 2. If you’re part of the Live LIGHT Community… Unpacking Forgiveness in Conversation Café (inside Conversation Cafe) How to have Real Relationships Tool (inside Live Casts) 3. If you’re part or want to start - New reflection I am full of Gratitude in the downloads Next Steps... Enter to win a first-run coil bound Live LIGHT Journal - get more chances to win today Sign up for the free 5-day Gratitude Challenge Get the best price for the Live LIGHT Pathway Course and Community Take the Live LIGHT Happier Mini-course What Most People Won’t Tell You About Gratitude ebook AND Liv

Change How you Feel With These 7 Gratitude-Building Strategies

You can change how you feel. We all have days when we feel down, why not prepare to change how you feel with these gratitude-building strategies? It's not easy being a human being. We are all faced with challenges, stress, and pressure in our lives. It's only natural to feel worn out or even a bit sad sometimes. The good news is that by refocusing your thoughts from your problems to things that you are grateful for, you can instantly feel better. When you are thankful for what you have, your mood improves and your self-esteem is boosted, along with your health, long-term success, and willpower. To change how you feel when life gets you down, follow these practices: 1. Make a list of the things you’re grateful for. Finding things to be grateful for helps you stop thinking negatively. When you're feeling angry, frustrated, or sad, make a list of things you're grateful for. It can help you let go of your current situation and move on. Gratitude is a powerful tool. Many peo

Gratitude will help bring peace to your life.

Gratitude will help bring peace to your life. Check out the ways I can help you grow in gratitude below. In this post I want to focus on affirmations in Gratitude Reflections. When you affirm your gratitude, you can energize yourself and feel more courage to face the day. Life is filled with friction, but also great adventures. To start your day off right, say out loud all the things you are thankful for with these creative gratitude affirmations. Affirming your gratefulness helps you recognize that you can have what you most want and need in order to reap the fulfilling life you want. Love, joy, and peace are yours. It's the life you'e been created for. If you want to feel better about your life, practice affirmations. Affirmations are a quick and easy way to inject positivity into your day. In a few minutes of quiet time, you can set yourself up for a great day. Affirmations remind you of your blessings and abundance, which will push you towards your highest goals. Gratitude

How to be thankful with your whole heart Tool

Do you give thanks with your whole heart? Psalm 9:1 I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart. What does that look like when we are facing bad news or a brutal reality? It’s got to mean more than slapping on a smile and having a toxic fake-it-til-you-make-it attitude. Here’s what it means to me. I’ve got an acrostic to help you remember how you can choose to be thankful with your whole heart. FAITH F - Focus A - Attention I - Intention T - Thinking God’s Thoughts H - Holy Spirit Help F – Focus – look at what God is doing, not at what is threatening to occur Then Jesus got into the boat and started across the lake with his disciples. Suddenly, a fierce storm struck the lake, with waves breaking into the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him up, shouting, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!” Jesus responded, “Why are you afraid? You have so little faith!” Then he got up and rebuked the wind and waves, and suddenly there was a great calm. Matthew 8:23-26

Why Gratitude is so important to STOP the Worry

Gratitude is so important to help us stop the worrying we do. Find out why in this lesson and tool. Are you someone who worries or maybe you're a recovering worrier? Maybe there's someone in your everyday world who worries and their worries worry you? I know, it gets complicated. It is possible to more-easily STOP the Worry...and gratitude is so important for us to stop our worrying. Learn more and download at STOP the Worry Tool Download this tool for free at S - Shift to the truth God cares for you T - Think about what you think about O - Offer your problems for His peace P - Pledge gratitude in all things S - Shift to the truth God cares for you Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. 1 Peter 5:7 (NLT) It starts with knowing you have a good Father who cares for you . Never be so impressed by the size of your problem that you’re not overwhelmed by the love and care of your good Father. Do I live knowi

How to make your life better with a gratitude challenge

Is there a difference between being grateful and feeling grateful? We can choose to be grateful, but is it enough? What if we actually need to feel grateful to see the benefits of gratitude ? If you know me, you know I'm going to tell you we need to give thanks with our WHOLE HEART. David sings out in Psalm 9:1 I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart; I will tell of all Your wonders. Remember, the Hebrew understanding of heart is that - yes, it is the seat of our emotions, but it's also the seat of our decisions and the seat of our actions. These three - our decision, our action and our emotion - need to align in order for us to do anything and everything with our whole heart. So make the decision to be grateful, but then do something about it, so you can FEEL grateful as well. It's the feeling of gratitude that makes a difference in the level of our happiness . Can I suggest a gratitude challenge? You can start today and do it on your own. You don't need to

7 Reasons Gratitude Benefits You

Gratitude benefits us. Showing appreciation to others does as well. Being grateful with our whole heart - when we decide, feel and act on gratitude - allows us experience the benefits that science shows us we have. It's that time of year when many people begin thinking about everything they have to be thankful for. Although it's nice to count your blessings on Thanksgiving, being thankful throughout the year could have tremendous benefits on your quality of life. What benefits do we get from gratitude? Two psychologists, Dr. Robert A. Emmons of the University of California, Davis, and Dr. Michael E. McCullough of the University of Miami, have done much of the research on gratitude. In one study, they asked all participants to write a few sentences each week, focusing on particular topics. ( One group wrote about things they were grateful for that had occurred during the week. A second group wrote about daily irritations or things that had displeased them, and

5 things you can do to feel gratitude in troubling times

Feel gratitude in troubling are 5 things you can do. It's easy to feel grateful when life is good, says Robert Emmons. But when disaster strikes, gratitude is worth the effort. Robert Emmons | May 13, 2013 Print A decade's worth of research on gratitude has shown me that when life is going well, gratitude allows us to celebrate and magnify the goodness. But what about when life goes badly? In the midst of the economic maelstrom that has gripped our country, I have often been asked if people can or even should feel grateful under such dire circumstances. ( We're told to give thanks IN all things (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) and that’s most easily done when we are grateful with our whole heart . Our whole heart is our emotions, our intellect and our actions. We choose to be grateful. We FEEL grateful. We DO SOMETHING with our gratitude – even writing in a journal . BUT we’re also told that we'll give thanks FOR all things when we're

3 Things You Can Do to Be More Grateful this Thanksgiving

Are you ready to have more gratitude this Thanksgiving? Here are some ways I can help. Canadian Thanksgiving is this weekend. American Thanksgiving is November 25. We're told to give thanks IN all things (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) and that’s most easily done when we are grateful with our whole heart . Our whole heart is our emotions, our intellect and our actions. We choose to be grateful. We FEEL grateful. We DO SOMETHING with our gratitude - even writing in a journal . BUT we’re also told that we'll give thanks FOR all things when we're continually filled with Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18–21). Here's help for you to grow in Gratitude. TL;DW 1. Be more grateful with a Gratitude Journal Enter for a chance to win a first run edition of the Live LIGHT Gratitude Journal 2. Be more grateful through a gratitude challenge Sign up for the free 5-day Gratitude Challenge Starting November 29, 2021 3. Be more grateful

Want an amazing Gratitude Journal? Let me send you mine.

A gratitude journal can be life transformative. This first edition of the Live LIGHT Gratitude Journal is hot off the presses. I’ll cover the shipping cost for one special person. Learn how to enter below. The Live LIGHT Gratitude Journal is designed to help you grow in gratitude and happiness. 70 days of morning and evening reflections will prompt you to feel and act with gratitude. With Holy Spirit's help you'll see Him empower you to accomplish every good work prompted by faith. The Mood Tracker will help you see what's going on with you. The Checkpoint and Milestone will help you see your growth. Use this tool to help live happier and grow in gratitude  - you and every one in your every day world will be glad you did.  Inside the printed versions you get a coupon for 100% off the Live LIGHT Happier Course that explains why the Live LIGHT Gratitude Journal works. So if you win this Journal you have a surprise bonus of the course included for free. How to enter to win