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Showing posts from May, 2021

You’re Closer To a Life-Giving Community Than You Think

Today is the last day of our Live LIGHTER Community Founder Member Launch. You’ll still be able to join this life-giving community, but not at this incredible price. I thought I’d answer some questions that have come up and if you’re watching live you can send me your questions in the comments and I’ll do my best to get through them all. There is a Frequently Ask Questions (FAQ’s) Page on Live LIGHT Academy , and that can answer a lot of your questions. Q&A for Live LIGHTER Community Questions on Live LIGHTER Community Answered Is Live LIGHT Friends going to still be free? What’s the difference between Live LIGHT Friends and the Live LIGHTER Community? Why should I join the community now and not wait until later? Can I get a refund for the Community if I don’t use it? Why are you charging when you teach from the Bible? If you’re in Canada why is the price in USD? Live LIGHTER Community Launch Features Live LIGHTER Community Hub. - Updates, announcement , Live LIGHT Loop , a weekly

Imagine a Community that Helps You Move from Miracles done TO You to Miracles Done THROUGH You

Our fight for real community is against our ignorance , our experience and our complacency . Here’s how to risk life-giving community again. You were created to walk with God in the garden in the cool of the day. Sin came into the world and you bore the consequences. Jesus came and reversed the curse and took your place and invited you to take His yoke that is easy and burden that is light. You are a child of God creation longs to be revealed. You are a living light. Don’t conform but be transformed, so you can have peace at all times and in every situation. Problem: The problem is that we have settled for superficial relationships. Most of us don’t know what real community is or why it’s so important for us. All of us have been hurt in the past when we’ve risked ourselves. We have little interest in putting ourselves out there to get hurt again. How do you trust community? Our fight for real community is against our ignorance , our experience and our complacency . We don’t know how

What it takes for a Community to stay motivated and move forward

What does it take for a community to stay motivated and moving forward? It takes a Pathway. Problem: How to move the Community down a pathway when the main training is not yet at a place to be of help? Solution: Give the community what’s in your hand. Introducing the Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Course Overview of the Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Course Live LIGHT Community Founder Member Launch Features Live LIGHTER Community Hub. - Updates, announcement , Live LIGHT Loop , a weekly email sent to your inbox Live LIGHTER Core Content. - Learn everything you need to know to have an amazing Live LIGHTER experience Live LIGHTER Private Facebook Group. - Get encouragement, conversation, and life-giving community Conversation Cafe. - weekly discussion Live LIGHT in Confidence. - Private Live Cast training and Links Live LIGHT Revitalize. - 15 minutes, anytime you need conversation, coaching or prayer Quick Connect.  - Priority video, audio or text communication Live LIGHT Above the Ne

The Greatest Challenge for the Live LIGHTER Community

Problem: Community isn’t easy. A community based more on virtually meeting is even more difficult. How have you managed to stay connected during this long season of disconnect? Solution: Creating space for connection points for all us, I’d like to introduce you to our Live LIGHTER Community Conversation Cafe. Live LIGHTER Conversation Cafe Overview How do you become part of the Live LIGHTER Conversation Cafe? You can only be part of it when you’re part of the Live LIGHTER Community. Here’s what you get... Live LIGHTER Community Founder Member Launch Features Live LIGHTER Community Hub. - Updates, announcement , Live LIGHT Loop , a weekly email sent to your inbox Live LIGHTER Core Content. - Learn everything you need to know to have an amazing Live LIGHTER experience Live LIGHTER Private Facebook Group. - Get encouragement, conversation, and life-giving community Conversation Cafe. - weekly discussion Live LIGHT in Confidence. - Private Live Cast training and Links Live LIGHT Revitali

Imagine the Camaraderie You could have in Live LIGHTER Community

Problem: People from all over the world, in different time zones and seasons in life need real connection for life-giving community to occur. Solution: The Live LIGHTER Community Quick Connect allows people to connect with an audio, video or text message whenever they need to. Live LIGHTER Community Quick Connect Overview Remember: There is priority sequencing for people in the Live LIGHTER Community. Live LIGHTER Community Founder Member Launch Features Live LIGHTER Community Hub. Get updates, announcement , Live LIGHT Loop , a weekly email sent to your inbox Live LIGHTER Core Content.  Learn everything you need to know to have an amazing Live LIGHTER experience Live LIGHTER Private Facebook Group.  Get encouragement, conversation, and life-giving community Conversation Cafe. Get weekly discussion together on Zoom. Replay is available. Live LIGHT in Confidence. - Private Live Cast training and Links Live LIGHT Revitalize. - 15 minutes, anytime you need conversation, coaching or praye

What Every Live LIGHTER Community Member Ought To Know About Support

Problem: We will all have times we need more specific encouragement than a large community can give. Solution : The solution is Live LIGHT Revitalize and it is only available in the Live LIGHTER Community Hub for those in the Live LIGHTER Community. God said through Isaiah in Isaiah 30:15: Only in returning to me and resting in me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength. But you would have none of it. Sometimes we need that reminder. Sometimes we need that peace someone else can share. We can’t be like the people in Isaiah’s time - refusing to return to rest and confidence. We need each other when times get tough. Now I know some of you who join the Live LIGHTER Community will already those people can speak life or sit and cry with you. If you have that - it is awesome. I know you’ll be inviting them to join in the community. Sometimes we lose those people in our lives and sometimes our situation changes. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. James tells us “you have

Never Before Revealed Live LIGHTER Community Tips

Problem: How do form a community that stretches around the world and keep us encouraging each other towards love and good deeds. Solution: There is non-overwhelming training specifically designed to help answer your questions AND replays of live casts available on demand for anyone who is part of the Live LIGHTER Community. What I call this is Live LIGHT in Confidence it’s the portal only available for people part of the Live LIGHTER Community. It’s accessible along with all the other features when you log in to the Live LIGHT Community Hub. Can I show you what I mean? Live LIGHTER in Confidence Community Overview Community Founder Member Launch includes: Live LIGHTER Community Hub. Updates, announcement , Live LIGHT Loop , a weekly email sent to your inbox. Live LIGHTER Core Content. Learn everything you need to know to have an amazing Live LIGHTER experience. Live LIGHTER Private Facebook Group. Get encouragement, conversation, and life-giving community. Conversation Cafe. Weekl

How To Use Live LIGHTER Community To Be Blessed and Bless Others

Problem: We need community. We live in a world that drowning in information but starving for transformation. Transformation happens best in a life-giving community. Solution: Live LIGHTER Community - Transformation is the work of Holy Spirit. Transformation happens when we move from order to disorder to reorder. Transformation happens best in a life-giving community. It’s not something that happens easily and naturally. A life-giving community takes intention, and honour, commitment and trust. I’ve set it up to make it as easy as possible for all that to occur. I’m talking about the Live LIGHTER Private Facebook Group. Watch the overview of the Live LIGHTER Community Private Facebook Group How do you use the Live LIGHTER Community to be blessed and bless others? You participate in the comments and post your own material. You ask for feedback and give your own encourage to others. You pray for others and ask for prayer when you need it. As you refresh others, you will be refreshed. As

5 Must Have Live LIGHT Friends Community Resources

Problem: So you need an encouraging community but you’re not in a place where you can pay for it. What do you do? Solution: Live LIGHT Friends Community is free and public, which means anyone can join and you can use the material posted in it to share with your own family and friends. You also get all the free tools available right now coming soon in the future and keep up with all things Live LIGHT in the Community Hub. How to be Happier Course  (Free) How to Root Out Shame Tool  (Free) Live LIGHT Friends  (Free) Thrive NOT Dive Tool  (Free) Thrive NOT Dive Tool Training  (Free) Let me show you the overview of the Live LIGHT Friends Community… Live LIGHTER Community Launch Features Live LIGHTER Community Hub - Updates, announcement , Live LIGHT Loop , a weekly email sent to your inbox Live LIGHTER Core Content - Learn everything you need to know to have an amazing Live LIGHTER experience • Live LIGHTER Private Facebook Group - Get encouragement, conversation, and life-giving commun

Be part of a Fast and Easy Live LIGHTER Community

So your curious about maybe becoming a Live LIGHTER Community Member wondering if it’s for you. I’ve got you. Problem: Once you join, How do you know if you’re on the right path? What if you’re missing out on a celebration? What if some really important thing for you to know ? Solution : Live LIGHTER Community Hub - weekly updates, special announcements be in the know of all things Live LIGHT. We call it the Live LIGHT Loop Let me show you the overview… Live LIGHTER Community Launch Features Live LIGHTER Community Hub - Updates, announcement , weekly email sent to your inbox Live LIGHTER Core Content - Learn everything you need to know to have an amazing Live LIGHTER experience • Live LIGHTER Private Facebook Group - Get encouragement, conversation, and life-giving community Conversation Cafe - weekly discussion • Live LIGHT in Confidence - Private Live Cast training and Links • Live LIGHT Revitalize - 15 minutes, anytime you need conversation, coaching or prayer • Quick Connect  - Pr

What does it take to be part of a life-giving community?

What does it take to be part of a life-giving community? That’s a question that I’ve been pondering for some time. I want real, life-giving community. I know what it looks like, I’ve experienced it. I know what it feels like, I’ve been blessed by it. I could talk about honour. I could talk about authenticity. I could talk about all the one-another commands in Scripture. But what it all boils down to is one word - Trust . You’ve got to trust the people you are in relationship to. Trust shouldn’t come from position. Trust shouldn’t be automatically assumed. Trust takes time. Trust needs to be earned. It gets earned by consistently doing what you say you will do. If this is the first you’ve seen from me or you only know me from what I post online, I don’t assume you’re going to be as excited as I am about the offer I’m extending for you. Live LIGHTER Community Founder Member Launch The offer is to be a founding member of the Live LIGHTER Community at an amazing price only available unti

Two things I’ve Learned about Community

There are two things I’ve learned about Community that I never want to NOT live out. We all need them in every life-giving community we’re in. I so enjoy seeing shoulders go back and smiles come to faces when I can honestly tell people who I enjoy being around, “You make my life better just being the you that you are.” We need each other. We need real community. We need life-giving community. Two things I’ve learned about Community that I never want to NOT live out There are two things I’ve learned about community over the past year of extended isolation that I never want to not live out. They are two things that all of us need to learn how to do it right, regardless of whatever comes our way. How do we always encourage each other towards love and good deeds? How do we continually use our freedom to serve others in love? Why do we meet together in community? The reason we’re told not to forsake the meeting together is so we can encourage each other towards love and good deeds. When yo

I just have a few more AHA Moments to chase down

I was getting so excited listening to and implementing ideas I got from a Membership Webinar that I was a part of. I had so many AHA moments from it. It stirred something in me. The Aha moments of the past I remember when the internet was young, and we were dialing up on a 1200 baud modem to bulletin boards to download 8-bit games to play. I wondered about the people who had created them and uploaded them and was amazed we were connected in one small way. When domains became a thing, a friend and I were minutes away from purchasing and even less time away from purchasing . I didn’t know how I could install a forum or how to run one, but the idea was to have a place for people to gather and share ideas. That was before social media. When my wife and kids moved to New Zealand I started to stay connected with our family and friends in Canada. We were hosting personal videos before YouTube was a thing. Then Twitter happened and I got a lot of connecti