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Showing posts from November, 2020

10 seeds that have been planted during COVID-19

I was listening to the message I was using to produce the podcast (find it at ) What to do when you want to give up . I got to the part about planting seeds in a famine because maybe God will bless them. I preached What to Do When You Want to Give Up at the start of COVID-19 and thought I should pause and think about what seeds I’ve planted. If you were to look on my autofocus list that I keep myself up-to-date with, you might be overwhelmed for me. Trust me, I’m not. I get invigorated when I see a plan come together. I get motivated to finish the work I’ve been entrusted to do. But I have learned to take a breath and look at what’s been able to be planted during this time that can easily be considered a drought. Isaac planted seeds Isaac planted in a drought and God blessed it...he really blessed it. Isaac was able to have 100 fold increase. All I offer is loaves and fishes that Jesus can choose to bless and multiply how he likes. But it’s great to celebrate where

What to do when you want to give up - Part 1

We are all going to have trouble in this world. We are all going to have trouble in this world. We all can grow weary in doing good. We all will have times when we want to give up. Here’s what to do when we want to. Listen to this episode on the Live LIGHT App

How to turn your mess into a message

We are all going to messy situations in our life at times We are all going to messy situations in our life at times. Jesus promised we'll have trouble, but reminded us to take heart because he has overcome the world. Learn how to see the beautiful story God is writing with the mess that you may be in right now.

The Relaunch of RevTrev Radio

It's been a while since RevTrev Radio was on the air. It's been a while since RevTrev Radio was on the air. It's back with plans to get out to a running start! Learn what those plans are, why they are almost ridiculous, how they may be accomplished and the challenge that means for you. RevTrev Radio will be on just about any podcast player. I’ll have links up for it as soon as they are available.